Mission: To engage members and friends
of the Ethiopian Diaspora in Seattle and elsewhere to provide financial and technical support to Wogen Ethiopia in projects to further our vision. These include but are not limited to the provision of sustainable safe water supply and sanitation programs, access to education, and economic opportunities to poor communities in Ethiopia.
Telephone 2067631436
Fax 2067631436
Blog wogenassociation.blogshot.com
Address: 10254 12th Ave S
Seattle, WA 98168
An Ethiopian woman in rural Chachikuna skims drinking water from a muddy hole as her baby watches.
Children & Mother’s Support Association
Seattle Chapter
Vision: Ethiopian communities where everyone, especially mothers and children,
have safe water and sanitation, access to good health, a sustainable livelihood, and the opportunity for a meaningful education.
Approaches to Accomplish Our Mission:
1. Develop targeted and sustainable projects, identify key strategic partners, and provide both financial and technological assistance through project completion into consequent maintenance.
2. Emphasize transparency by disclosing all processes, partners and financial information to donors and the public.
3. Commit to cooperative and collaborative work ethics.
4. Involve young Ethiopians and allies in concerted effort to support vulnerable children and mothers, inspiring them to invest their energy engaging with real problems.
5. Partner and collaborate with Wogen Ethiopia and all communities in which we work.
6. Ensure that every project is sustainable, including education and training for long-term maintenance.
Did you know that only 42% of the Ethiopian population has access to improved water, and only 11% has adequate sanitation services?
Animals and humans must share the same meager water resources.
Priority Areas of Intervention:
1. Increase access to safe water, including installing water wells and strengthening streams.
2. Provide training for maintenance of completed water supplying points.
3. Elect water committees to ensure lasting impact and governing structure.
About Wogen:
Wogen Children & Mothers Support Association Seattle Chapter is a non-profit, non-governmental organization incorporated in the State of Washington. Wogen was established to support the mission of Wogen Children and Mothers Support Association in Ethiopia, which includes improving access to clean water, health, sanitation and education to the poor. No part of the earnings shall benefit or be distributed to its members, trustee officers or other private persons. Wogen is not affiliated with a religion or political party. Furthermore, Wogen does not discriminate against any person based on sex, race, religion, political beliefs or national origin.
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