Wogen Seattle Chapter is happy to announce words of thanks. Many people are writing checks and encouraging us on what we are doing. Regional Hospital employees are highly appreciated for their unrelented support. Most Regional employees are donating above $50.00 including an employee who gave $500.00 and promised to give more as the project progress.
Beyond the donation, a lot of them are asking us how they could help to acheive our mission.
Stephanie's parents kindly requested the brochure of the water project. Charlie, mechanical Engineer said, "let me know what I can do to help." Kenaw, eletronics engineer verbalized "please, let me know to assist Wogen. This is precise and effective project." Maledu from South Dakot is interested to be part of our endeavor.
By and large we have just started, but we are motivated to collect $12,000.00 upto the end of October 2011, and to start construction of Chachikuna's water project by mid November 2011.
We are Hoping the support will continue.We need more voluteers. Please keep this Mission in your thoughts, action and prayers.
Thank You!
Proud to be member of Regional Hospital's family. Amazing how keen we are to help the poor.