Sunday, January 15, 2012

active but silent

Wogen Seattle chapter has scored a lot of progresses except we are behind in posting achievements. Very exciting to raise enough fund to complete the Woyraber clean water project. Individuals and charitable organizations are kind enough to help us raise it in less than six months. Major donors being Teel Charitable foundation, Stephanie and her family and friends and Landers family. Regional Hospital employees and Ballard Care management and employees. The Administrator of Ballard Care and Rehab is kindly helping Wogen Seattle to present paper to the Residents' council, her words were, "Yes we have to help vulnerable people but why not we help Wogen Seattle because the board members are people we know."  Member of Teel said, " rather than giving money and not knowing the where about, it will be nice to give to a corporation we know and who can update us on the progresses."
Stephanie on top of doing a lot of things, has wrote an article at Western University where she graduated.
About the Woyraber clean water project: End December we got permission to  construct from the government/ district office via our partner Wogen Ethiopia. Wogen Seattle had a teleconference with the community representatives which has a chairman, a supervisor, a treasurer, and four coordinators. The contractor is identified through open bid. The contractor, the community, the committee, Representative from wogen Ethiopia, Representative from the district Water department, department of Agriculture and the Chachikuna Locality administration has met at Mersha Zeleke where the water is to be constructed on January, 9 2012. The contractor and the community are organizing the materials for construction. To this effect we have sent $3600 the first payment. Any time soon we will disburse the amount required for the 2nd phase.
Board of Wogen Seattle met on January 6, 2012 and developed guideline to select project sites for the future, has approved disburse of the money required to complete the Woyraber clean water project. Has agreed to go ahead and do hydrology or water table study and develop the second project as proposed by Wogen Ethiopia's preliminary Study. Has come to understanding of a delegating agent here in Seattle and a representative in Ethiopia. Has come to realize participation of young diaspora and their friends in participating the organization and to approach businesses help Wogen.
We as a Board are thanking All who helped Wogen Seattle to achieve the first project,

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